12 Souvenir Shopping Tips That Won't Hurt Your Travel Budget


Travelers from countries like the Philippines definitely know a thing or two about souvenir hunting. After all, finding and bringing home a full suitcase full of pasalubong to family and friends is a cherished tradition that runs deep in our culture.

Nanay's handmade basket from La Union is a great souvenir idea

However, souvenir hunting can sometimes be both tricky and a money drain, given that Filipinos often have large families and a knack for making many close friends. This otherwise thoughtful gesture can sometimes stretch budgets and put undue pressure on travelers when money is especially tight.

With proper planning, you’ll be able to buy your pasalubong for everyone without breaking the bank. Here are several well-worn souvenir hunting tips that will keep your travel budget intact:

1) Set a Doable Souvenir Budget

Souvenirs should be part of your budget when you travel, especially if you know that you can’t help but buy a few things for yourself and the people you love. If that’s truly the case, you should create room for a realistic souvenir fund right from the beginning.

Look for a savings account product like that of Maya that lets you set up easy money transfers for particular goals. Use the Maya Personal Goals feature to allocate money specifically for souvenirs so that you know that the funds have been earmarked specifically for this purpose. That way, you’re far likelier to hit your travel fund goals in general and accumulate an ample amount of money for your souvenir budget.

2) Make a List

Once you’ve set up your souvenir fund, list the people you want to buy souvenirs for. Next, list down possible things they might enjoy and allocate a specific price ceiling for each person. This will help you remember everyone you’ve committed to shopping for and avoid expensive last-minute gift shopping.

3) Research Marketplaces at Your Destination

Before your trip, look up popular local markets at your destination that might have the items your loved ones want. This can make shopping for items more efficient and avoid needless back-and-forth traveling.

4) Buy in Bulk

A bulk of locally made souvenir products I took home from one of my trips

Some friends and family can be hard to shop for. Fortunately, most of them probably won’t mind simpler, easier-to-source gifts. In these cases, you can consider purchasing their gifts in bulk. Items like keychains or magnets can usually be bought in big batches at marketplaces, saving you money and leaving more room in the budget.

5) Look for Unique Local Products

If you can spare the time, however, you should probably skip generic gifts and prioritize unique local products that better embody the place you’re visiting. In particular, purchasing from local artisans not only supports the communities you’re visiting but also gives you access to unique and often very high-quality items at fair prices.

6) Shop at Local Supermarkets and Convenience Stores

Speaking of unique local products, supermarkets and convenience stores often carry a lot of local snacks and even unique toiletries that make great souvenirs. Items at these places tend to be far cheaper than the stuff you might find at local tourist traps, making them a big win for your budget.

7) Haggle Wisely

As Filipinos, the concept of haggling or tawad has long been a feature of our wider consumer culture. However, even within the Philippines, haggling is not always an option and may be seen as rude in many contexts. Still, there are plenty of markets all over the world where haggling is encouraged or even expected.

Before you leave home, look up local guides in advance to learn about the places and contexts where haggling is a good idea. So long as you remain respectful and polite, you might just score a good deal on your souvenirs.

8) Avoid Last-Minute Shopping

Last-minute shopping takes away the time you need to make deliberate decisions on your souvenir purchases. If you find yourself in a time crunch, chances are you’ll walk away with expensive impulse purchases that would have been cheaper elsewhere, often with little guarantee that they’ll be liked by the recipients. Knowing that, always leave enough time in your itinerary to purchase your souvenirs.

9) Use Loyalty Points

If you have loyalty points on your credit card or from travel-related services, you may be able to use them to purchase goodies for your loved ones. Using up these often neglected points can help you save money without compromising on the quality of your souvenirs.

10) Prioritize Small and Lightweight Items

Every Filipino traveler has a funny story or two about excess baggage fees. These dilemmas can mostly be avoided by choosing lightweight souvenirs that won’t add much to your luggage weight or shipping costs.

11) Check for Duty-Free Shops at the Airport

For those on a tight budget, airport shops are probably among the worst places to score deals. But if your itinerary didn’t go as expected, they may be the only option available if you want to be able to buy souvenirs for everyone on your list. If you must buy from the airport, look for duty-free shops that offer tax-free prices to keep your overall travel costs down.

12) Don’t Forget Your Own Souvenirs

We often prioritize the people we love over ourselves. But your travels will be more meaningful if you budget enough to buy at least one souvenir that means something to you. These don’t have to be the typical snacks, T-shirts, and knick-knacks either. Taking lots of photos or even participating in local customs are great alternatives that won’t impact your budget.

An artwork souvenir from Zamboanga City

Stretch Your Budget with Smarter Pasalubong Shopping

If you’re smart about it, shopping for pasalubong doesn’t have to be a stressful or expensive experience. With a bit of planning, you’ll be able to bring home meaningful gifts that can transform what’s typically a chore into a cherished and economical part of your journeys.