As large portions of the
world and its population are currently being placed in lockdown to slow the
spread of COVID-19, it’s only natural that people are starting to go
stir-crazy. It sounds simple enough - “stay home and flatten the curve” - but
after a few days with the kids and your significant other, it can all be a bit
much. If you happen to have a passion for all things travel-related, being
stuck indoors can be even tougher. There’s a good chance you’re busy
daydreaming about all the travels and adventures you’d rather be having.
Stay at home right now, sit on a tree real soon. We will get through this |
Well here’s the thing, just
because you are currently in lockdown, it doesn’t mean you can’t find a way to
feed your passion for travel. It just requires a bit more creativity on your
part. Here are some great ways to itch the travel bug and make it through
Start Planning Your Next
There is absolutely no
reason you can’t use this time for planning and research, in particular,
planning your next big adventure. There will be better days to come, and
eventually, the world will find its balance again and borders will once again
be open. So rather than wait until that point to come up with a travel
itinerary, you can start your research now. That’s not to say you should go
ahead and book anything - it just means you can start the planning process.
We will all go back to experiencing amazing adventures soon. |
Let’s say, for example,
you’ve always wanted to try a backpacking adventure. Well, this would be the
perfect time to research the best backpacks out there, as your back and shoulders will thank you. Or maybe you’ve been wanting to experience a tour of
Europe that is based on cuisine. Again, this is the ideal time for research. By
taking these steps to research and plan, at least you can feel like you are working
towards your next adventure.
Explore Museums from Around
the World – from Home
The National Museum of Natural History in Manila |
If you happen to enjoy
museum tours then there’s a way to feed that passion at home too. Did you know
that some of the top-rated and most popular museums around the world feature
virtual tours that you can do online? Sure, it’s not as good as the real thing,
but what a fabulous way to explore the various museums safely from your own
home. You could make a point of “visiting” a different museum each day of your
lockdown, giving you something new to look forward to each day.
Strap Into Some of the Most
Thrilling Rollercoasters
One of the many roller-coasters in Canada Wonderland. Source: Wikipedia |
Speaking of virtual
experiences, there are also a number of big theme parks that have posted
virtual tours of their rollercoasters and thrill rides. Take, for example,
Canada’s Wonderland, Canada’s largest theme park. The park has uploaded virtual
rides of all its coasters, thrill rides, and family rides to its YouTube site,
allowing everyone at home to experience the thrills. They suggest you play it
on a big screen TV and crank the volume for the ultimate rider experience.
Binge Watch Travel Series
Of course, binge-watching is
also something that plenty of people are doing right now - whether through
their cable provider or their streaming service. There are all kinds of
fabulous travel series worth checking out that can also feed your passion for
the time being. Examples include Somebody Feed Phil, Breakfast, Lunch &
Dinner, and Street Food.
No Need to Feel Confined
We will all get back to traveling again after we get through this health crisis |
While it’s natural to feel
confined during lockdown, the fact is that these ideas will help you to let
your mind relax and travel to these faraway places, all while safely remaining
in your home.